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Q&A From The Reply Guy - The Reply Guy Replies!

By: The Reply Guy
Real World PhD


Dear reply guy,

Does it matter if a girl asks a guy out on a date?

Signed: Wondering.


Dear Wondering,

Maybe in the 1800's it would matter if a girl were to ask a guy out.  However, in today's society, it certainly does not matter if a girl asks a guy out. You know, guys can often be very shy too. Not every guy on this great earth is a "player." If you have found a guy that you would like to go out with, go ahead and ask him out!

Good Luck,

The Reply Guy

Dear reply guy,

I have a huge problem. My wife spends money like it is water. We both have decent jobs, but her spending is killing us. She charges on her credit card for everything, but then only makes the minimum payment each month. What can I do?

Signed: deeper in debt.


Dear Deeper in debt,

This one is easy…let her charge! I know you may be wondering how that can help, but if she wants to charge on her cards until they reach the limit, let her. Once she reaches her credit limit she will have no choice but to pay them off if she wishes to use them again.

Now, obviously this is only a band-aid for your current situation. At some point you are going to have to sit her down and show her how her overspending is causing serious strain on your finances.

Try this method out and let me know how things go. When it is time for that “sit down” shoot me an email and I will go over some ideas that you may be able to use to get her to see the light!

Good Luck,

The Reply Guy

Dear Reply Guy:

Just like everyone that's been through high school, I have this enormous crush on my best friend. I've been trying to deal with getting over him but when I finally do, he does something that makes me like him all over again.

It's difficult sometimes because everyone at my school (including his friends and mine) have told me that we're basically "meant for one other". I don't really believe in much of the non-sense but it gets me thinking. Not to mention my family agrees that he somewhat does see me that way.

When I had first told him I had feelings for him (which was back in January of last year), he had told me that he doesn't see me that way. Of course I was heart broken yet everything I've tried has gotten me no where.

About three times or so this year, I've kept on asking him if he truly just sees me as a friend and he replies "yes". I don't know exactly how to explain this, but I have this gut feeling that he's hiding something from me. 

 A couple of days ago, him and his sister came over to my house to hang out. The usual happened but something really touched me later that day. We were all discussing why I had transfered schools two years ago and he said "if she hadn't transfered, then my life would be sad".

Lately it's been on my mind and I can't help wondering what it meant. I know I should keep it to myself (knowing I would be too nosy and whatnot).

I honestly have no idea what I should do. Should I get over him and how?  

Signed: Misunderstood

Friend Or More?

Dear Misunderstood,

From what I can gather from your email, it appears as if you both have very mixed feelings about being more than friends.

Since you stated in your letter that when you asked him about his feelings towards you he openly admitted to only wanting to be friends, I think you should go ahead and take the same route.

I know that might sound a bit strange given the fact that I opened this reply with the observation that you both appear to have mixed feelings regarding being just friends or something more, but here is why I think taking the "friend" route is the best way to go.

You see, if he is a solid friend and you really do like being around him, you are taking a huge risk if you guys get romantically involved.

If you are both unsure about the relationship and quickly head for the bedroom door and things don't work out, you will probably lose him as a lover and a friend.

With that said, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel for you guys after all.

If you go the friend route and you two truly do have strong romantic feelings for one another, there is no doubt in my mind, as long as you two stay close and continue to be friends, those feelings will surface.

If those feelings do finally surface, they will probably surface after you both have dated other people, but somehow always found yourself back in each other’s company.

Good Luck,

The Reply Guy


Dear Reply Guy:

I have a crush on a dude from college.  I think he likes me too, but I'd like your advice! 

I email him once in a while but he never writes back... does this mean I'm annoying him and should quit writing?  So because he doesn't reply I have started to think he' just not that into me, but...

He hugged me last time I saw him, and said he was looking forward to next fall when we'd see each other again at school.

Does it sound like this dude is into me, or should I just give it up?  Tell me what I should do to not be annoying.


:) tina

Signed: tina

Yes Or No?

Dear Tina,

Don’t take his lack of response via email as a serious indication that he is not “into” you. As I am already sure you know, life can sometimes get very hectic, and there is a distinct possibility that he has just been very busy and has not found the time to write you back.

With that said, hopefully you are not emailing him a 100 times a day pouring out your heart and soul. That could very well turn him off to the idea of corresponding with you.

Since I have faith in you that you are acting less like a stalker and more like a civilized lady, the next step should be to ask your “friend” if he would like to go hang out and see a movie or take a hike when you two meet back at school.

Get this person to commit to an outing (notice I did not say date) and you should have a much clearer picture of his feelings for you.

Is this a case where he only thinks of you as a friend? It very well could be, but it could also be a case where this guy is “into” you but wants to take it slow and make sure there is a real connection before he openly displays his affection for you.

Good luck and make sure to keep The Reply Guy updated on your progress!

The Reply Guy


Dear Reply Guy:

 It has been a while since I have been intimate with a guy. Like 3 years so I am a little nervous if he liked it or not. How can you tell if he liked it or not, I am not one to ask questions to the person, because I am not looking for anything serious and I was pretty satisfied but after 3 years who wouldn't. But this was a causal thing and I don't want to make a big deal out of it.

Signed: Signed curious

Numero Uno?

Greetings Curious,

First, let me congratulate you on taking your time and using solid judgment before jumping right into the sack with someone.

As far as your concerns about him “liking” your intimate encounter or not, I really must say with 100% confidence, that if he is like most male species out there, the fact that he was able to close the deal was probably the only thing he was really concerned with.

In fact, if I had to guess, I would say women are much more critical when it comes too sexual encounters then their male counterparts.

Don’t sweat this one!

The Reply Guy


Dear Reply Guy:

Me and my boyfriend have been together for over 4 years and we just recently broke up. he was my first real relationship and we have a kid together. we've had our ups and downs but lately seems like more downs then ever.

deep down  i know we are meant to be but he sees things differently. i have trust issues with him because of the stuff he did to me in the past but i forgave him for all of that and he still cant see how much i love him. everytime we argue its like he talks and i listen then when its my turn i get shut down. i always feel like everything is my fault because i wasnt being a good enough girlfriend even if deep down i know i was.

all i wanted was a little attention and its so hard for him to give it to me because of school and work. im tired of trying to work things out because he just doesn't seem to get it. he thinks im infatuated with him but I think its true love. what do you think? how do i put my feelings aside and gain the stength to get up and never look back? also do you think we should get back together or do you think i am holding on to something that isnt really there?

Signed: Confused

True Love?

Dear Confused,

Since you stated in your letter that you have already split with this guy I think now is the perfect time for you to attempt to let things be as they may.

The biggest problem I can see is the difference of opinion between you two about how this relationship should be played out.

It appears from your point of view you want an honest, caring, loving relationship, but he does not seem very interested in such a deal.

In fact, you even state that he does not feel you are "meant" to be together. That statement alone should give you a clue about how he feels about you.

No matter how hard we try and force antoher person to jump on board with our idea of how life should be played, if they refuse to willingly come aboard for the ride, there is little you can do to make it happen.

I would suggest that you focus your energy on raising your child the best you can and make sure to include your ex-boyfriend in your childs life. Just because you two did not work out in the romance department does not mean he cannot still be a quality father to his child.

Good Luck,

The Reply Guy





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